Luming Tang (唐路明)

I am a Research Scientist at Google DeepMind in New York City. Previously, I was a CS PhD student at Cornell University, advised by Professor Bharath Hariharan. Before that, I received my Bachelor degree in Mathematics and Physics from Tsinghua University.

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My current interests lie at the intersection of machine learning and computer vision, including representation learning and generative models, especially on how to adapt large pre-trained models to tackle challenging real-world problems where data is constrained. Meanwhile, I'm also interested in building vision foundation models.

(* indicates equal contribution)

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RealFill: Reference-Driven Generation for Authentic Image Completion

Luming Tang, Nataniel Ruiz, Qinghao Chu, Yuanzhen Li, Aleksander Holynski, David E. Jacobs, Bharath Hariharan, Yael Pritch, Neal Wadhwa, Kfir Aberman, Michael Rubinstein
SIGGRAPH, 2024 (Journal Track)
paper / video / project page

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Emergent Correspondence from Image Diffusion

Luming Tang*, Menglin Jia*, Qianqian Wang*, Cheng Perng Phoo, Bharath Hariharan
NeurIPS, 2023
paper / video / code / poster / slides / project page

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Magic3D: High-Resolution Text-to-3D Content Creation

Chen-Hsuan Lin*, Jun Gao*, Luming Tang*, Towaki Takikawa*, Xiaohui Zeng*, Xun Huang, Karsten Kreis, Sanja Fidler, Ming-Yu Liu, Tsung-Yi Lin
CVPR, 2023 (Highlight)
paper / project page

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Visual Prompt Tuning

Menglin Jia*, Luming Tang*, Bor-Chun Chen, Claire Cardie, Serge Belongie, Bharath Hariharan, Ser-Nam Lim
ECCV, 2022
paper / video / code

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Few-Shot Classification with Feature Map Reconstruction Networks

Davis Wertheimer*, Luming Tang*, Bharath Hariharan
CVPR, 2021
paper / video / code / poster

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Revisiting Pose-Normalization for Fine-Grained Few-Shot Recognition

Luming Tang, Davis Wertheimer, Bharath Hariharan
CVPR, 2020
paper / video / code / slides

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Multi-Entity Dependence Learning with Rich Context via Conditional Variational Auto-encoder

Luming Tang, Yexiang Xue, Di Chen, Carla P. Gomes
AAAI, 2018
paper / code / poster / slides

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Orientation Invariant Feature Embedding and Spatial Temporal Regularization for Vehicle Re-identification

Zhongdao Wang*, Luming Tang*, Xihui Liu, Zhuliang Yao, Shuai Yi, Jing Shao, Junjie Yan, Shengjin Wang, Hongsheng Li, Xiaogang Wang
ICCV, 2017
paper / dataset / poster

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Hierarchical Deep Recurrent Architecture for Video Understanding

Luming Tang, Boyang Deng, Haiyu Zhao, Shuai Yi
CVPR Workshop on Youtube-8M Large-Scale Video Understanding, 2017
paper / code


Here're some interesting research or course projects I have worked on.

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Diagnosing and Remedying Shot Sensitivity with Cosine Few-Shot Learners

Davis Wertheimer*, Luming Tang*, Bharath Hariharan
Tech Report, 2022

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Few-Shot Learning in Long-Tailed Settings

Davis Wertheimer, Luming Tang, Dhruv Baijal, Pranjal Mittal, Anika Talwar, Bharath Hariharan
Tech Report, 2021
paper / code

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Baseline implementation of DrQA and BERT finetuning on SQuAD 2.0

Luming Tang
CS 5740 Natural Language Processing, Assignment 4, 2020

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An Experimental Evaluation of Optimized Maximum Flow Implementations

Junxi Song, Luming Tang, Hongbo Zhang, Xiaoji Zhang (alphabetical order)
CS 6820 Analysis of Algorithms, Course Project, 2019

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Garbage Collection Schedule Algorithm

Luming Tang*, Junxi Song*
CS 6820 Analysis of Algorithms, Assignment 2 Problem 4, 2019
problem / our proof

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On the Regularization Balance in Autoencoder-Based Generative Models

Bin Dai, Luming Tang, David Wipf
Tech Report, 2019
draft / supplementary

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OpenNRE: An Open-Source Package for Neural Relation Extraction

Tianyu Gao, Xu Han, Shulin Cao, Luming Tang, Yankai Lin, Zhiyuan Liu
THUNLP Github, 2018


I am very fortunate to have chance to work in multiple great research groups and spend enjoyable time with so many amazing advisors, mentors and collaborators.


Teaching Assistant:

PhD admission committee student volunteer: 2020, 2023

Conference Reviewer: CVPR'21 (Outstanding Reviewer), ICCV'21, CVPR'22, ECCV'22, CVPR'23, ICCV'23, ICML'23, NeurIPS'23, ICLR'24, ICML'24, CVPR'24

Journal Reviewer: TPAMI-SI (Learning with Fewer Labels), IJCV

PC member: AAAI'23


  • Header avatars credit to Zeya Peng.
  • I love playing soccer and FIFA (FIFA'20 Season Division 1 with Title, FIFA'22 Ultimate Team Division 3).
  • Meet the most adorable S'more and check out her instagram! Her Chinese name is 屎妹 :) This is her best friend, Shiba a.k.a. 屎宝 lol.
  • I am from Jiaozuo, a beautiful small city in Henan, China.

Design and source code modified based on Leonid Keselman and Jon Barron's website

last update: Nov, 2023